Our Services
We specialize in debt management, debt consolidation, and debt collection.
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Cost Effective Method
Debt Collections
Retrieving money back from outstanding clients is difficult, so that is why our clients choose to have us, Lee Tan & Partners, resolve all of their debt issues for them. We only get paid when we get your money back. We work on a No collect – No Fee commission that starts once we receive your case.
One of our Vital Services is to track down and call customers so they pay their unpaid invoices. Simply calling and reminding overdue clients about their outstanding invoices will make them pay, which improves the cash flow to your business and improves your receivables department, which is a relief to many people at the higher end of your business.
Privacy and customer retention are vital to our client’s businesses, so our debt collectors act as if your company employs them. Acting as part of your business will help your business retain your clients, and we can also develop and assess all your new and current clients with a thorough credit and risk assessment check. When we receive your payments from outstanding clients, the money will go directly to you or channel it through our own company. The choice is completely yours.
With our company handling all of your outstanding invoices, you and your people can work on your business and use the money we retrieve from outstanding clients to improve cash flow and improve your business’ profitability. At the end of every month, our company can create a report that will advise you on solving issues with problematic accounts that are not responding to our efforts to contact them and retrieve their outstanding bills.
The price of our debt consolidation of Recovery Services is fixed, but we can tailor our services to exactly what you need. Call us for a free consultation and see how we can improve your business and resolve your financial issues.

Up-to-date information
Field Calls
Simply locating your client at their new address, which they failed to update you with, can resolve numerous financial issues and stop you from losing money by having to write off outstanding accounts. We can easily locate these types of clients for you and provide you with all of the information you’ll need on their new location. Most clients who are in debt will not provide new contact information. But thanks to our experience in skip-tracing, we have been known to locate up to 90% of these types of upstanding accounts.
We tend to break down outstanding debts and clients into three categories: unintentional, requires maintenance, and willingly criminal. Once we know what type of category to place each of your outstanding accounts and clients in, we will know how to proceed with monetary retrieval. Then, we will use our personalized databases, technology, and private investigation skills to find these non-responsive clients.
If a client must move into legal proceedings, we can provide legal documentation and the proper affidavits required for a favorable judgment in court.